Hardcover His Wife The Doctor by Joseph McCord w Dust Cover, 1942

Hardcover His Wife The Doctor by Joseph McCord w Dust Cover, 1942


Hardcover His Wife The Doctor by Joseph McCord w Dust Cover from 1943 is in excellent condition with great, retro artwork. Not easy to find hardcover versions of this.

Serenity Dale, M.D. was firmly established in the city as a Doctor, with an enviable reputation for her skill and hard work. Married to Maury Parrich, a thus far unsuccessful novelist, Serenity was trying hard to prove her theory that marriage and medicine could be happily and profitably combined. All might have gone well had she not accepted, against her own wishes, a position as head of a private hospital, for it was then that her difficulties really began. Before she realized what was happening. Maury was seeking inspiration elsewhere, and she became involved in professional troubles of her own after she was shocked into a realization of the problem with which she was confronted.