SOLD! Leatherbound The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare, 1926

SOLD! Leatherbound The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare, 1926


Leather bound edition of the complete works of William Shakespeare comprising his plays and poems, the history of his life, his will and an introduction to each play to which is added an index to the characters printed in 1926.

Illustrated with original designs by T. M. Matterson

Engraved by Alexander Anderson



The Growing and Perpetual

Influence Of Shakespeare


The Life of Shakespeare

Shakespeare's Will

Commendatory Verses

Introduction to the Plays

The Tempest

Two Gentlemen of Verona

Merry Wives of Windsor

Twelfth Night; or, What You Will

Measure for Measure

Much Ado About Nothing

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Love's Labour's Lost

The Merchant of Venice

As You Like It

All's Wen That Ends Well

The Taming of the Shrew

The Winter's Tale

The Comedy of Errors

King John

The Life and Deatb of King

Richard Il.

First Part of King Henry IV.

Second Part of King Henry IV.

King Henry V.

First Part of King Henry VI.

Second Part of King Henry VI.

Third Part of King Henry VL

The Life and Death of King

Richard III.

King Henry VIM.

Troilus and Cressida

Timon of Athens


Julius Cæsar

Antony and Cleopatra


Titus Andronicus

Perictes, Prince of Tyre

King Lear

Romeo and Juliet


Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Othello, The Moor of Venice


Venus and Adonis

The Rape of Lucrece


A Lover's Complaint

The Passionate Pilgrim

Sonnets to Sundry Notes of Music

The Phoenix and the Turtle

Index to the Characters in Shakespeare's Dramatic Works