Vintage Beetle Bailey (1973) Issue 103 Comic book
Vintage Beetle Bailey (1973) Issue 103 Comic book in good condition published by Charlton Comics.
The Captain's Jeep" starring General Halftrack, Captain Scabbard and Beetle Bailey, pencilled by Bill Gustafson; 3 page Beetle Bailey story "Beetle's Act" pencilled by Gustafson; 3 page story "Fox-Hole Foul Up" starring Beetle Bailey and Sarge Snorkel, pencilled by Gustafson; 1 page Zero story "Zero Trouble" starring Lt. Fuzz, Zero and Captain Scabbard, pencilled by Gustafson; 3 page General Halftrack story "The Missile Test" pencilled by Gustafson; 3 page story "The Litterbugs" starring Beetle Bailey and Killer Diller, pencilled by Gustafson; 1 page story "Sarge's Sentinel" starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey and Killer Diller, pencilled by Gustafson; 1 page text story "Service Smiles" with Killer Diller and Beetle Bailey (both as vignettes only); 3 page story "KP Kooks" starring Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller and Sarge Snorkel, pencilled by Gustafson; 3 page story "Strong Coffee" starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Cookie and Captain Scabbard, pencilled by Gustafson. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.20.